Friday, November 1, 2013

An untitled "Prequel to the Entire Magic Wars Series” Story Idea!

“An untitled Prequel to the Entire Magic Wars Series” tells the story of how the Magical Universe was created and the founding of the Black Knights. The story begins with a young solider in the Black Knights army who begins to have second thoughts. Because even though he was trained and told to think of magical creatures as an enemy he soon befriends one. He befriends (and soon falls in love with) a female beast who at first he tried to kill. Once he saw she harmless, he sets out to protect her. Along the way he becomes a fugitive and becomes the savior of all magical creatures. He also befriends a nerdy young wizard and now he must fight off his former mentor who now wants to kill him. Also he discovers a threat in a demon overlord named Oouguya who wants to take over the entire universe. Then he discovers that a group of wizards are trying to create a whole universe basically another dimension for all magical creatures. So now not only is there going to a war between the Black Knights and the magical creatures, but the threat of Oouguya’s demon army is also going to arise. Maybe to the point where the Black Knights must soon form an unlikely alliance with the magical creatures. Can this young soldier and his unlikely group of heroes save the day? What will happen in the tale set many centuries before the Magic Wars? Read “An untitled Prequel to the Entire Magic Wars Series” when it comes out very soon!

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